The 2021 Rhysling Winners

Linda D. Addison photo2021 Rhysling Award—Short Poem: Linda D. Addison
Winning poem: “Summer Time(lessness)”

Appeared in Star*Line 43.4

Linda D. Addison is the award-winning author of five collections, including The Place of Broken Things written with Alessandro Manzetti& How To Recognize A Demon Has Become Your Friend, and the first African-American recipient of the HWA Bram Stoker Award®. She is a recipient of the HWA Lifetime Achievement Award and SFPA Grand Master. Her site:


Jenny Blackford photo2021 Rhysling Award—Long Poem: Jenny Blackford
Winning poem: “Eleven Exhibits in a Better Natural History Museum, London”

Appeared in Strange Horizons, 14 September

Jenny Blackford lives in Newcastle, Australia. Her poetry has appeared in Asimov's, Strange Horizons, Polu Texni and multiple Rhysling anthologies, as well as august Australian and international literary journals such as Going Down Swinging and The Pedestal Magazine. Award-winning Sydney press Pitt Street Poetry published an illustrated chapbook of her cat poems, The Duties of a Cat, in 2013, and her first full-length poetry book, The Loyalty of Chickens, in 2017.


R. Thursday photoSecond Place—Short Poem: R. Thursday
“Why did white people conquer the world for spices and then never use them?”

Appeared in Drunk Monkeys, November 16

R. Thursday is, in no particular order: an educator, writer, cook, gamer, bibliophile, hot mess and all around nerd. When not writing poetry inspired by science, history, science fiction and fantasy, they perform edutainment slam poems full of obscure references and more swear words than their parents would be comfortable with. Their work can be found in previous Eye to the Telescope issues, Vulture Bones, Silverblade, Star*Line, The First Line, Blossomry, The Poet's Haven and as a regular contributor to Royal Rose. They live in South King County, Washington.


Nike Sulway photoSecond Place—Long Poem: Nike Sulway
“A Song from Bedlam (with apologies to Christopher Smart)”

Appeared in Liminality 23

Nike Sulway is an Australian writer of fantastic fiction. Her previous publications include the novel Rupetta, which won the 2013 Otherwise Award (previously known as the Tiptree Award). She blogs very irregularly at


Sandra J Lindow photoThird Place—Short Poem: Sandra J. Lindow

Appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction, May/June

Sandra J. Lindow has served as SFPA's VP and acting president. Presently she co-edits reviews for the new SFPA blog. Her most recent poetry collection is The Island of Amazonned Women. She teaches, writes, edits and shouts at squirrels for digging up and eating her canna lilies. She has more Rhysling nominations and near-wins than anyone ever.


Bruce Boston photoThird Place—Long Poem: Bruce Boston
“Devilish Incarnations”

Appeared in Star*Line 43.1

Bruce Boston’s poems have appeared in Asimov’s SF, Analog, Weird Tales, Amazing Stories, Daily Science Fiction, Pedestal, Strange Horizons, the Nebula Awards Showcase and Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror. His poetry has received the Bram Stoker Award, the Asimov’s Readers Award, and the Rhysling and Grand Master Awards of the SFPA. His 40th poetry collection, Artifacts, is available at Amazon and other online booksellers. His fiction has received a Pushcart Prize and twice been a finalist for the Bram Stoker Award (novel, short story).

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