SFPA Officers & Volunteers
Descriptions of officer positions and duties are in the SFPA Constitution.
Table of Contents
Contacting SFPA
Please email the Executive Committee at sfpa-exec@googlegroups.com with any concerns regarding SFPA.
Except for Star*Line related queries, all physical mail should be addressed to:
PO Box 6688
Portland OR 97228
Please send any mail related to Star*Line to:
John Reinhart
20 Cedar St
Brunswick ME 04011
As of 2023 we are officially registered with the IRS as a US non-profit (EIN: 61-1539690).
SFPA Executive Committee
SFPA President
Colleen Anderson, 2023–
SFPApres [at] gmail.org
SFPA Vice President
Diane Severson Mori, 2025-
SFPAveep [at] gmail.com
SFPA Secretary
John Philip Johnson, 2024-
sfpasecretary [at] gmail.com
SFPA Treasurer
Jordan Hirsch, 2024–
treasurer [at] sfpoetry.org
SFPA Volunteers
Membership Chair
Diane Severson Mori, 2014–
membership [at] sfpoetry.org
Website & Technology
Stewart C Baker, Webmaster, 2023–
web [at] sfpoetry.org
F.J. Bergmann, Eye to the Telescope Webmaster, 2010–
demiurge [at] fibitz.com
Brian U. Garrison, Technology, 2020–
tech [at] sfpoetry.org
Graphic Design
F. J. Bergmann, 2010–
demiurge [at] fibitz.com
MailChimp Campaigns
Jordan Hirsch
sfpanews [at] sfpoetry.org
SFPA Con Coordinator
sfpacons [at] gmail.com
SFPA Mailing
Andrew Gilstrap, 2020–
andrew.gilstrap [at] @gmail.com
Brian U. Garrison, 2022-
Monthly Roundup
Michael Payne, 2016-
mpayne [at] kuci.org
Publication & Awards Volunteers
Star*Line Editor
John Reinhart, 2025-
starlineeditor [at] gmail.com
Eye to the Telescope Managing Editor
Brian U. Garrison
et3 [at] sfpoetry.org
2024 Rhysling Chairs
David C. Kopaska-Merkel & Brian U. Garrison
sfparhysling [at] gmail.com
2024 Dwarf Stars Editor
Brittany Hause
dwarfstars [at] sfpoetry.org
2024 Elgin Chair
Felicia Martinezelgin [at] sfpoetry.org
2024 Contest Chair
SpecPo Blog
Diane Severson Mori
membership [at] sfpoetry.org
SpecPo Blog Reviews
Herb Kauderer
Sandy Lindow
SpecPoReviews [at] gmail.com
Former Officers
Past Presidents
- Bryan Thao Worra, 2016–2022
- Bryan D. Dietrich, 2014–2016
- David C. Kopaska-Merkel, 2011–2014
- Deborah P Kolodji, 2006–2011
- Mike Allen, 2004–2006
- Scott Green, 2001–2004
- Marge Simon, 1993–2001
Past Vice Presidents
- Christina Sng, 2023–2024
- Colleen Anderson, 2021–2022
- F. J. Bergmann, 2017–2020
- Sandra J. Lindow, 2015–2017
- Elizabeth Bennefeld, 2013–2015
- David Summers, 2011–2013
- Karen Romanko, 2010–2011
Past Secretaries
- Brian Garrison, 2020–2023
- Renee Ya, 2017–2020
- Shannon Connor Winward, 2016–2017
- P. Andrew Miller, 2014–2015
- Richard Gombert, 2011–2014
- VACANT, 2010
- Malcolm Deeley, 2006–2010
- Bud Webster, 2005–2006
- G. O. Clark, 2003–2005
- John Nichols, ? -2003
Past Treasurers
- Rich Magahiz, 2018-2023
- AJ Odasso, 2016–2018
- Bryan Thao Worra, 2013–2016
- Samantha Henderson, 2013
- Deborah Flores, 2011–2013
- Samantha Henderson, 2008–2011
- Helena Bell, 2005–2008
- Bruce Boston, 2003–2005
- John Nichols, ? -2003
Former Volunteers
Past Webmasters
- F.J. Bergmann, 2010-2023
- Robin Mayhall, 2008–2010
- Ceallaigh S. MacCath-Moran, ?–2008
- Karen Romanko, unknown dates
Past Publicity Chair
- Melanie Stormm, 2017–2020
Former Publication & Awards Volunteers
Past Star*Line Editors
Past Eye to the Telescope Editors
See Eye to the Telescope Masthead
Past Rhysling Chairs
See Rhysling Archive
Past Dwarf Stars Editors
- 2023: Miguel O. Mitchell & David C. Kopaska-Merkel
- 2022: Adele Gardner & Greer Woodward
- 2021: Charles Christian
- 2020: Robin Mayhall
- 2019: John C. Mannone
- 2018: Deborah P Kolodji
- 2017: Robin Mayhall
- 2016: Lesley Wheeler & Jeannine Hall Gailey
- 2015: John Amen
- 2014: Sandra Lindow
- 2013: Linda Addison & Stephen M. Wilson
- 2012: Joshua Gage & Geoffrey A. Landis
Past Elgin Chairs
- 2023: Morgan L. Ventura
- 2021 & 2022: Jordan Hirsch
- 2020: Colleen Anderson
- 2019: Charles Christian
- 2017 & 2018: Josh Brown
- 2016: Diane Severson
- 2015: F. J. Bergmann
- 2014: Kendall Evans & Deborah P Kolodji
- 2013: Kendall Evans & Marge Simon
Past Contest Chairs
- 2022: Brittany Hause
- 2021: Josh Brown
- 2020: John Reinhart
- 2019: Mai Nguyen Do
- 2018: Holly Lyn Walrath
- 2017: Mary McMyne
- 2016: F. J. Bergmann
- 2015: P. Andrew Miller
- 2014: Joshua Gage
- 2013: Michael A. Burstein
- 2012: Diane Severson
Past Halloween Editors
See Halloween page